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Social commitment - Graziani Packaging

Social and charitable responsibility: essential moral values

Our ties to our local area and our support for vulnerable people are written into our code of ethics and have formed part of our approach to business from day one. These principles guide us every day and lead us to direct involvement in support of communities and associations that offer support and research diseases.

The fight against Alzheimer's

As a company we support and sponsor the fight against Alzheimer’sundertaken and publicised by “Fondazione Maratona per l’Alzheimer” and “Amici di Casa Insieme”, a no-profit association in Mercato Saraceno working to offer tangible assistance to sufferers of Alzheimer’s and other dementia conditions in their own homes. The aim is to improve the person’s quality of life, without forgetting those who support them and provide daily care.

Associazione Onlus Fondazione Romagna Solidale

We support the work of Associazione Onlus Fondazione Romagna Solidale, which brings together some of the leading companies in the region under the banner of social responsibility. The association works to improve the quality of life for some of the most vulnerable in our society, offering financial aid to local no-profit groups providing support for the sick and disabled, care for the elderly and youth training Among its numerous initiatives, Fondazione Romagna Solidale also supports volunteer organisations in Africa and Latin America, ensuring the right to health and education and facilitating local development.

lstituto Scientifico Romagnolo Tumori

For many years we have supported the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (IOR), an innovative body which combines human and scientific aspects in its work. One of the main purposes of the IOR is research, but equally important is the construction of appropriate facilities and equipping them to offer genuine, human accommodation for patients, and raising awareness around the prevention of cancer.

The latest from Graziani Packaging

Want to stay up to date with all the events, initiatives and new products we’re involved with? You’ll find all our news here.


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